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All Things Divorce

Client Preparation Services

When parties go through a divorce they will face many new experiences and challenges. Parties may be required to participate in different types of evaluations, discovery and hearings for the first time in their lives. It is often said that people going through divorce are on their worst behavior. Sometimes parties going through are afraid or sad or angry. Those feelings may make them act differently than they normally would act. Sometimes parties need a little help becoming properly prepared for these new experiences.

Lawyers will often hire an expert to help them properly prepare their clients for custody evaluations, comprehensive family evaluations, focused assessments, court appointed advisor meeting, ne vocational evaluations, parenting coordinator meetings, depositions and trials/hearings.  Each one of these events requires clients to be properly prepared. 

Image by David Veksler

Comprehensive Family Evaluation Preparation / Custody Evaluation

A Comprehensive Family Evaluation is the most complete type of custody evaluation. The Comprehensive Family Evaluation is both expensive and intrusive. When an evaluator performs the evaluation, he/she will try to gather as much information as possible. The Comprehensive Family  Evaluation will likely consist of a home visit, interviews with the parties, the children and collateral witnesses. The Comprehensive Family Evaluation will also require the parties to sign HIPAA releases to assure the evaluator can obtain all the necessary medical, counseling and psychological records of all the parties involved. It is important to make sure the the evaluator has only the most pertinent information in the most organized way. 

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Launi Sheldon of Strategic Legal Services is currently the only expert who is prepares clients for Comprehensive Family Evaluations. Contract Launi Sheldon for all your preparation needs. 


Focused Assessment

A Focused Assessment is an evaluation which is designed to answer specific questions. This is much less expensive and intrusive than the Comprehensive Family Evaluation.  This may be used if there are allegations of drug or alcohol abuse, mental health issues or domestic violence.  

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Court Appointed Advisor Preparation

When judges want to receive information from a neutral third party, they may order the parties to work with a Court Appointed Advisor.  A Court Appointed Advisor is able to obtain as much information as they need to be able to provide the Court with an informed recommendation.  If the issues are too complicated for the Court Appointed Advisor to make informed recommendations, they Court Appointed Advisor may recommend the order a Comprehensive Family Evaluation. 

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Vocational Expert Preparation

Sometimes when people divorce, one party may request spousal maintenance or child support. When that request is made it is important to determine each parties income or the income each party is able to earn. When one or both of the parties have been outside of the workforce for a significant amount of time, it might be necessary for one or both parties to participate in a Vocational Evaluation. If a Vocational Evaluation is being performed, it is helpful for the party being evaluated to be prepared prior to meeting with the evaluator to assure the best outcome possible. 

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Trial Preparation

In the event the parties do not settle, the case will go to trial. Husbands and wives may be extremely anxious going to court and having to testify. Knowing what to expect can help lessen anxiety. 

It is important to remember that first impressions matter.  

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Deposition Preparation

During litigation the parties will usually participate in discovery to gather information that will help their case. One method of discovery is taking each party's deposition.  When a party is deposed, it is imperative they are appropriately prepared to assure they do not offer any more evidence then necessary.

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Parenting Coordinator Preparation

A parenting coordinator is neutral third party who helps parents resolve parenting issues either during or after a divorce.  The process in Arizona is that the parties will mediate with the parenting coordinator first and if they can not agree, the parenting coordinator will then become the arbitrator and resolve the issue with an order.  In Arizona, it is necessary for the parties to agree on whether or not there will be a Parenting Coordinator. If the parties agree, the Court will order a Parenting Coordinator to be appointed. 

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